Neuroscience is increasingly showing how the spirit is able to heal our bodies. The soul can change the biological structure of the body and help it overcome illness.
Nature, unlike the city, is full of stimuli that are interesting in themselves and do not require much mental effort. This allows our brain circuits deputed to attentional functions to “rest” and refresh a little.
According to Attention Restoration Theory stimulating the use of involuntary attention by being in contact with the natural environment is an effective way to regenerate directed attention and ensure good cognitive functioning.
Nature promotes mental and physical well-being by activating responses at the emotional, cognitive and physiological levels, up to and including reduction of heart rate, blood pressure and muscle tension, enabling recovery from stressful situations.
According to a recent study, children suffering from inattention and hyperactivity who spend a lot of time in Nature have less severe symptoms than those who spend more time indoors.
A game, an adventure, a projective psychological test. A tool for story-telling set in Nature. A non-pharmacological therapy.
The slow, relaxing images allowed even the two most motorically unstable children to find calm and concentration. The experience fostered socialization, the sharing of opinions and ideas, and the ability to adapt and consider changing ideas by welcoming the other.
Vercelli, Hotel Garibaldi. Inauguration of the first hotel facility to choose Alamar Life videos to “excite and make well” its guests. The pacifying and creatively rich power of Experience Nature videos to offer its guests well-being and harmony.
The recordings of the basal blood pressure values, made after the vision and narration activity, revealed an objective drop of 20 mmHg, both in the cases treated with antihypertensives and in the cases not treated pharmacologically.
Experiment conducted on 22 people with Alzheimer’s lasting 3 months: relaxing viewing of Experience Nature movies before painting workshop.