E. O. Wilson, biologist
Studies on the benefits of viewing natural images.
Stress Recovery Theory
The Stress Recovery Theory was formulated by Roger Ulrich in 1983 (Chalmers University). This, in brief, states that Nature, real or reproduced, promotes psychophysical well-being by activating responses at emotional, cognitive and physiological levels, up to and including the reduction of blood pressure, muscle tension and skin conductivity, allowing recovery from psychophysiological stress situations and a significant reduction in pain perception.

Attention Restoration Theory
According to the Attention Restoration Theory proposed by psychologists Stephen and Rachel Kaplan (1989), later endorsed by a great deal of research, Nature exerts a function capable of regenerating the direct attention potential of human beings. This has shown that environments characterised by a high presence of natural elements allow brain circuits to refresh, favouring the regeneration of cognitive and intuitive resources.
The force of nature.
A balance of cycles and frequencies.
The Alamar videos enhance the natural benefits by supplementing them with specific sequences.
The Alamar method has different characteristics than the simple viewing of natural scenarios.
Experience Nature videos are made to capture and propose the regenerative aspects of Nature, while others are made to describe places, or natural phenomena, with informative purposes. Documentaries require a cognitive effort that is particularly tiring for those with attention deficit. At the same time, fixed natural panoramas, such as streams or waves of the sea that flow the same way for several minutes, are static and after a short time no longer capture the attention.
The Alamar sequences, on the other hand, are a fusion of stillness and movement, as they allow a contemplative view of the natural scenery that is always renewed and equally always coherent and harmonious. The images transform, dissolving one into the other, without activating direct attention and therefore allow a deep and regenerating immersion in Nature. This was demonstrated by an experiment comparing the most beautiful landscape films on the web (BBC and others) with Alamar Life sequences.
Finally, the vibrational frequencies proposed by the Experience Nature themes convey precise information that acts at various levels of being, allowing for a highly targeted non-pharmacological therapy. The Alamar videos are an effective tool to benefit from Nature and all its regenerative aspects in enclosed spaces.
“Effects on perceived regeneration and affective states of images of natural landscapes in different seasons”. Thesis by Ottavia Damian, Supervisor Prof. Francesca Pazzaglia.
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Measurement carried out with BioWell: the beneficial effects perceived on a psycho-physical-emotional level following the viewing of the Alamar Life nature films.
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Measurement with BioWell: reduction of tension and consequent increase in relaxation of 42%.
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Cognitive/sensory stimulation with people living with dementia, Alzheimer Care Unit LTC Fontenuovo Fondazione Onlus, Perugia (PG) Italy.
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Art-therapy workshop with people living with dementia – Residenze Anni Azzurri LTC Beato Angelico, Borgo San Lorenzo (FI) Italy.
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Experience Nature videos pitted against the most beautiful nature videos on the web (BBC music and landscapes), LTC C. Vannetti, Rovereto (TN) Italy.
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Painting workshop with people living with dementia, Maria Grazia care home, Lessona (BI) Italy.
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The results of the EXPERIENCE NATURE experimentation carried out at three Biella-based “Il Punto Onlus” recovery communities presented at the Italian Society of Addiction national conference.
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“I find it beautiful that when I look away and then watch television, there is another image, new and beautiful, a flower whose scent I seem to smell. And I am always amazed by this: it is always a surprise! Thank you so much for that”. Mrs. A., resident at LTC Giovanelli, Tesero (TN) Italy.. Read the article
“Emilia sees the films with an impressive hunger for beauty, she is completely dazzled, there is nothing around her during the forty-minute session. It is a very valuable tool for my grandparents, offering workshops, storytelling moments, to celebrate the changes of seasons, but also as a real non-pharmacological therapy”. Valentina Pirola, occupational therapist Santa Teresa care home, Livraga (LO) Italy. Read the article
“We had two residents who no longer wanted to eat, they would say ‘I don’t want to live anymore, so I won’t eat’. We played the fruit DVD rather than the garden DVD and eventually they started to eat on their own, autonomously. … Romeo had not spoken for two years; he no longer expressed any emotion. We accompanied him to the sessions anyway because he liked to watch the videos. One day I projected the sea video and all of a sudden, we could hear him saying “Ah, the sea!”. Samanta Noldin, dementia social educator LTC Santa Maria, Cles (TN) Italy.
“But I never thought I would do that trip again, never imagined it!”. She relived the honeymoon she had taken with her husband and that is why she was so moved, because for her that moment was beautiful. … These testimonies make you understand what they experience when we use an instrument that creates therapeutic beauty. Cristina Falomi, dementia social educator Giglio Blu care home, Perugia (BG) Italy.
“Reliving emotions. Whatever they are, they make our residents feel alive. All we can do is stand beside them and listen to the symphony of their hearts and lives. … We cannot bring them to the mountain, but we can bring the mountain to the care facility and make them feel at home again. This is the great power we have; we give them their life back. … It is really a therapeutic means; it is pure therapy for the soul and the heart. Since we can experience it, it can give us so many unique experiences with the people we care for’. Anna Daccordo, psychotherapist LTC Santa Maria, Cles (TN) Italy.
“With the experience of nature videos, we have enjoyed not only memories, but also emotions. Emotions remain until our last breath. … Experiencing these moments with them also arouses emotions in us as operators, which we can take home as emotional baggage that we can retrieve in difficult moments of our work”. Angela Eccher, Dedico Project Manager, LTC C. Vannetti, Rovereto (TN) Italy.
“Within three minutes no more, A. slowly stops crying, his face relaxes, his mood completely changes from distressed to carefree. The videos really seem to be a great way for these people to bring back their fondest memories”. Maria Rita Di Gioia, psychotherapist LTC C. Vannetti, Rovereto (TN) Italy. Read the article
“Often moments of sharing on reminiscences, tales of their experiences or memories open up, many even with emotion and sighs manage to make us understand the inner depth that these videos allow us to reach; from there I very often engage with cognitive stimulation and historical-geographical retrieval. They have become so in tune with the experience that it now becomes almost spontaneous for them to actively and enthusiastically respond in listening and synergy with the activity.“. Enrica Pontin, dementia social educator LTC Villa Serena, Solagna (VI) Italy. Read the article
“The methodology of storytelling combined with the stimulation of nature videos arouses, activates, transmits emotions. The conversational dimension is intensified in the group. The remembrance dimension is activated from the natural place but only transits from there to the connected and personal sensations and EMOTIONS”. Iris Dall’Aglio, dementia social educator, Certified Timeslips facilitator (Timeslips storytelling for dementia Project). Read the article
“The recordings of basal blood pressure values made after the viewing and storytelling activity revealed an objective drop of 20mmHg, both in the cases treated with antihypertensives and in the cases not treated pharmacologically”. Cristina Falomi, dementia social educator Giglio Blu care home, Perugia (PG) Italy. Read the article
“Right from the start, we noticed how much our elderly enjoyed these living images. Everyone was generous in sharing memories and emotions, making personal contributions in the creation of the final narrative. The administration of the NPT-ES allowed us to see the positive effect of this intervention on the participants’ well-being also from a more objective point of view. … Re-reading the stories realised makes us realise the richness of this proposal, which does not end in the time of the actual narration, but continues on the written page. We are collecting them with the idea of valorising and highlighting, preserving them with care”. Paola Buelli, dementia social educator LTC Casa Serena, Brembate Sopra (BG) Italy. Read the article
“There are beautiful moments about remembering, about their being, and that’s why we had a session on the sea, bringing the basin with the sand, water, shells… It was very, very emotional because one of our residents, who speaks very little and has really big difficulties, told us how he met his wife, right at the sea, he even started crying and when we told his daughter about it, she too got very emotional because it was a memory she had as a child, but she had forgotten it and now she has it alive again”. Samanta Noldin, dementia social educator LTC Santa Maria, Cles (TN) Italy. Read the article
“The interesting observation – and one that in my opinion would be worth investigating with a more detailed study – is that the videos introduced an important cognitive and attentional stimulus after a moment of relaxation, while maintaining calm and tranquillity within the session”. Nicoletta Bocca, physiomotricist LTC Opera Pia Cerino Zegna, Biella (BI) Italy. Read the article
“Many goals were achieved: one lady went from a condition of social isolation and apathy to rediscovering her autonomy, creating a weekly routine linked to the activity, increasing her self-esteem and improving manual dexterity over the months. … “. Valentina Pirola, occupational therapist Santa Teresa care home, Livraga (LO) Italy. Read the article
“The use of Alamar at our Residence has significantly helped Guest and Caregiver experience hygienic care as a time of well-being and relaxation. … Bath time thus became an occasion to remember, increasing trust and compliance with the Caregiver. We also noticed, a significant reduction in behavioral disturbances and increased adherence and cooperation. ” Ilaria Sardo, psychologist Paradiso care home, Gattinara (VC) Italy. Read the article
“The potential of a course with EXPERIENCE NATURE videos with children and adults with Autism problems offers a lot of potential. It is a tool to benefit from Natural Inputs, without activating sensory channels such as touch and smell”. Elisabetta Scuotto, Head of the Information Point and Specialised Library of the Autism Service Centre, Piacenza (PC) Italy. Read the article
“Afterwards, when I proposed a free painting activity, in my observation I noticed not only a great commitment to the work they were doing, but above all a condition of extreme relaxation that led the children, who worked alternately in small groups, to remain in an almost meditative silence”. Alessandra Nardelli, kindergarten teacher. Read the article
“The slow and relaxing images allowed even the two most motorically unstable children to find calm and concentration. The experience favoured socialisation, the sharing of opinions and ideas, the ability to adapt and consider the possibility of changing ideas by welcoming the other”. Raffaella Castrale, kindergarten teacher. Read the article
“The results showed an increase in the ability to control emotions in 75% of the experimental subjects, compared to a 23% improvement reported by subjects in the control group. The shift from moods such as tired and sad to relaxed and amazed was also significant’. Daniele Carraro, psychologist, Head of the addiction recovery facilities of the Cooperativa Il Punto, Biella (BI) Italy. Read the article
“The nature videos were an inspiration to dance (dance-movement therapy). They coalesced the group into a shared, palpable, visible idea of performance. The intrinsic beauty of the images reverberated throughout”. Iris Dall’Aglio, dance-movement therapist. Leggi l’articolo
“The Dental Wellness Clinic in Turin has chosen Experience Nature videos and photographs to make treatment time in the clinic’s many offices more comfortable, relaxing and soothing. Clients are more serene, relaxed, happy; the doctors’ burn-out has also improved”. Laura Guasco, Clinic Director.
“What evidently happened is that Cristina Fino, in the ‘contemplative mediation’ produced by the observation of the film and its processing in the editing, has spontaneously come into the perception of her fluid body, in contact with the inner tides. … Cristina’s experience tells us that even the eyes, under certain conditions, can ‘take us in’ Paolo Maderu Pincione, founder of the Institute for CranioSacral Therapies, Italy. Read the article
2019 RI.GENE.RA National event on the influence of frequencies on stem cells
Full talk by Cristina Fino.
2019 RI.GENE.RA National event on the influence of frequencies on stem cells
Extracts from Cristina Fino’s intervention.
2019 RI.GENE.RA National event on the influence of frequencies on stem cells
Maurizio Forza introduces Cristina Fino – excerpts.
2019 Meeting of Care Professions – Cristina Fino presents the Relax Experience Nature Care channel, the 1st therapeutic TV.
2019 Meeting of Care Professions – Anna Daccordo, psychologist: Experience Nature videos as a therapeutic tool.
2019 Meeting of Care Professions – Cristina Falomi, dementia social educator: testimonies.
2019 Meeting of Care Professions – Angela Eccher, Alzheimer unit manager: testimonies.
2019 Meeting of Care Professions – Samanta Noldin, dementia social educator: testimonies.
2019 Meeting of Care Professions – Cristina Fino explains Experience Nature.
2018 “Waiting for Alzheimer Fest” – Cristina Fino explains the Experience Nature method in personal care
2018 “Waiting for Alzheimer Fest” – Samanta Noldin, dementia social educator, talks about her experience with Experience Nature videos.
2018 Meeting of Care Professions – Cristina Falomi talks about her experience with Experience Nature in creative storytelling.
2017 Integrated Oncology Conference – Modena Forum Monzani.
2017 Cultivating Beauty in Care Homes – speaker Cristina Fino.
2016 III Sente-Mente Day conference – speaker Dr. Di Gioia.
2016 III Sente-Mente Day conference – speaker Cristina Fino.
2015 National Conference Italian Society of Addiction – speaker Dr. Carraro.
2015 1st Conference “Images beyond memory” – University of Pisa.
2015 4th Neuroscience and Neuropsychology Conference – organised by PerFormat.
2015 Meeting of the Socio-Health Professions – speaker Dr Di Gioia.
2015 Conference “Images beyond Memory” – Natural History Museum University of Pisa.
2015 2nd Conference Sente-Mente Day by Letizia Espanoli
2014 1st Conference Sente-Mente Day by Letizia Espanoli