Each case of autism has its own characteristics, which is why the use of Alamar videos offers a measured approach capable of gently intervening with children and adults. In this way, one can benefit from the support of natural stimuli without activating too many sensory channels, such as touch and smell, or bringing into play all those ‘perceptual sense apparatuses’ that organise (and in autism disorganise), offering relaxing and pleasant experiences, without inducing tension or fear.
- Modulating sound stimuli: the auditory apparatus of these children is particularly sensitive, all acoustic loudspeakers can be adapted according to the needs of the individual, e.g., by adjusting the volume to a minimum, customising the bass and treble.
- Modulating visual stimuli: some may need to go almost to black and white, or remove the red, videos allow the intensity of the original colour to be gradually exposed, benefiting from everything else.
- Quick access to Nature.
- A quick interruption: problem behaviors arise even in optimal and welcoming contexts. A sudden unpleasant memory, the activation of a hypersensory can pervade the person with autism and transform into annoyance-discomfort, “nightmare,” what until a short time before was a jubilation of joy. For the caregiver (parent, teacher, caregiver), interrupting the short-circuit when one is dozens of miles from home is really difficult, while it is easy and immediate to replace the “discomfort” scenario with other reassuring footage.
- Anticipate contexts you are going to see: videos allow you to introduce new scenarios and build confidence in safety. They help contain problem behaviors that arise in dealing with new information, even if it is beautiful.
- Integrate with the current educational program: at school, a certain topic studied in a book can be “sterile”; sharing environments and natural elements with classmates can be a trump card for learning content such as seasons, environments, colors, plants.
- Discover-understand-manage which sensory channel or effect is most sought or rejected.
- Increase opportunities for relationship or independence.
Information taken from material kindly supplied by Ins. Elisabetta Scuotto, Coordinator in charge of the Information Desk and Specialised Library of the Autism Service Centre, Piacenza