S. Bernard of Clairvaux
The further children are removed from the natural world, the more problems such as obesity, depression and bullying arise. (Stiffler, 2007). Nature deficit can also cause attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. (Richard Louv, 2005)
“Experience with Nature, real or reproduced, has psychological and physiological regenerative effects.” (Berto, 2014; Barbiero & Berto, 2016).
In their latest study, Rita Berto and Giuseppe Barbiero (Affective Ecology Laboratory) measured the importance of biophilic classrooms, spaces in which to recreate contact with Nature, to support the learning process and strengthen the bond with the natural environment in children aged 6 to 11. The children, on average, improved their performance by 30%.
“Our research has shown that contact with Nature has a regenerative power of the child’s sustained direct attention capacity and improves his or her empathic qualities. Contact with Nature seems necessary, especially when pupils are confined to closed learning environments”.

Source: Barbiero et al. (2021)

A constant practice of using Experience Nature videos at school, throughout the year, enables children to learn with great commitment and grow in harmony.
It also reduces marginalisation and bullying, generating well-being and cohesion in the classroom.
The sense of peace conveyed by Nature acts simultaneously on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level, helping children, young people and adults to find their own balance and recognise Nature as an ally for a life in harmony.
“The quantity and quality of the experiences a child has with the natural world during childhood play an important role not only in shaping the child’s ability to respond to cognitive, affective and behavioural demands from the environment, but above all on his or her psychophysical well-being.“ (Berto, 2016)
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- Special attention and participation.
- Relaxation, fun and serenity.
- Great commitment to the work required.
- Concentration and learning.
- Creativity and imagination.
- Almost meditative silence.
- Collaboration and integration.
Used on an experimental basis in kindergartens and nursery schools on the island of Elba and in Piedmont, the Experience Nature films by Alamar Life have brought deep relaxation, at the same time great attention and mutual respect, calming even crises of hyperactivity and aggression in a few moments.

Elba island kindergartens.
“This is achieved through the viewing of films, where it was possible to capture all the beauty and strength of nature, and thus also all the benefits that contact with it can bring”.
Alessandra Nardelli, kindergarten teacher.
Kindergarten in Piedmont.
“This project opens up many possibilities, has a lot of potential for application and is a great tool for such young children and for children with emotional, relational and motor instability difficulties”.
Raffaella Castrale, kindergarten teacher

Creation of a ritual space/time dedicated to vision. A fixed appointment that allows for meaningful moments of emptiness, so that everyone can get in touch with their deepest selves according to their own times and needs.
For even very young children, a constant and precise schedule helps them to scan the phases of the day or the week and helps prevent the onset of discomforts and behavioural disorders such as hyperactivity, aggressiveness, marginalisation and bullying. It is also useful for intervening quickly in the event of difficulties.
Nature becomes the favourite subject.
Experience Nature videos are ideal for learning about the elements of Nature, its colours, environments, plants. They help to understand the cycle of the seasons, the water cycle. They allow immersive sensory stimulation; they bring the contemporary nature to life while remaining inside the classroom.
The vision is particularly useful for children with attention deficit, or behavioural disorders, who benefit from the calming power of Nature without any side effects. According to recent studies, children suffering from inattention and hyperactivity who spend a lot of time in Nature have less severe symptoms than those who spend more time indoors.
Furthermore, fruit and vegetable films allow us to pay attention to the beauty behind our food, becoming aware of how fruit and vegetables are the transformation of beautiful flowers. It is possible to conduct an educational activity that stimulates consciousness and awareness of the value of nutrition as an initial moment for preventing food disorders.
Ways to make the young ones work in harmony and joy.
Films help to get to know flowers, plants, trees.
Sensory-perceptive workshops can be activated, with a pathway to sensory and imaginative awareness through the 5 senses.
Creative workshops, inventing nursery rhymes, collecting testimonies and stories from the elderly, exploring legends and myths.
Another option is artistic workshops, inviting the children to reproduce the plants seen in the films through painting.
The school becomes an entertaining stage.

Artistic and creative activities, such as storytelling and drama, stimulate imagination, creativity and the rapid development of possibilities, within a team game that fosters collaboration and creates team spirit, counteracting the onset of bullying and marginalisation.
Through the game/adventure “The Imagined Tale” the children learn respect, listening to each other and sharing with others in an atmosphere of great participation and harmony.
Every situation, every company, every professional has specific needs that require a dedicated study to optimize the benefits of Alamar videos. We will be happy to give our advice to those who want to discover a world of well-being, in whatever context they find themselves, just fill out the form below.