Learning about nature at school.
Project aimed at children from kindergartens, preschools and primary schools, to experience through play and education the benefits of Nature throughout the year, while remaining within school facilities.
The school is an ideal place to activate educational projects on the environment and its sustainability, which are indispensable for finding harmony with the Earth and embarking on sustainable lifestyles. The MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research) has stipulated that environmental education should be a subject of study in all schools:
“It is a path of emotional and cultural exploration and acquisition of awareness with respect to sustainability issues, the promotion of integral human well-being, a path linked to the protection of the environment and the care of the common home.”

Alamar Life helps introduce the deeper values of Nature through relaxation practices, playful, creative, storytelling, artistic and pedagogical activities, strengthening harmony and collaboration in the classroom.
The Alamar videos are an effective resource to support environmental education with children and to help them grow in harmony with themselves and others, fostering that virtuous process that truly leads towards a more fraternal humanity desired by the MIUR.
A relaxation session before class, or after tiring activities, regenerates attention, increases concentration and creativity, and enhances learning and harmony in the classroom.
A relaxation session is also useful for instilling calm in times of difficulty.
The contemplative vision induced by the films allows children to contact their purest essence, sowing the seeds of an inner balance that can accompany them throughout their lives.

Alamar Life videos enable environmental education throughout the year.
Support for pedagogical education: the films help explain the natural cycle of life (the seasons, flowers that become fruit/vegetables), the water cycle, colours, elements, seasons, environments, plants and medicinal flowers.
They demonstrate how beauty is the main ingredient in our nutrition, through flowers becoming fruits or vegetables.

Support for environmental education: the sea, the forest, the mountains, the lakes… The importance of preserving our habitat. Educating in the knowledge and respect of Nature by experiencing the benefits it infuses.
Support for horticultural therapy: learning to recognise plants and flowers, learning their beneficial properties, studying legends, inventing tales, sharing the memory of the elderly. Inspiration for reflections and psychic-perceptive workshops. A work of knowledge and investigation that increases interest and curiosity in children, to then, in spring, sow and cultivate their own plants and visit educational farms.

An education that allows us to pay attention to the beauty that is the basis of our food: the flowers of fruits and vegetables are wonderful and bring our best food as a gift. Being aware of the beauty we feed on enables a happier life in harmony with Nature.
Fruit and vegetable films are particularly effective in cases of food disorders.

From flower to fruit and within the fruit, the seed for new rebirth.
The cycle of the seasons: the scenarios and colours that characterise each month of the year.

From rain to snow, to melting ice; brooks becoming waterfalls, then streams, lakes, rivers, to the sea.
From the liquid state to the solid and gaseous state, and back again to the liquid state in the form of rain or snow.

Water-themed films help remind us that we are 70.8% composed of this element, just like the surface of the planet, sealing the harmony that unites Man and Earth.
Research on the memory of Water. The findings of Pollack, Emoto and other scientists show how thoughts, words and emotions have an effect on water molecules.
The importance of pure water to safeguard the ecosystem and us humans, the only living species to need pure water to live.

More and more studies point to the influence of colours on the nervous, immune and metabolic systems.
“Colors are life force and source of energy,
capable of stimulating
the formation of body cells
and affect nerves and organs.”
Dr. Christa Muths

Learning about colours through the beauty and vitality of Nature.
Experiencing the benefits of the different vibratory frequencies of light.
The living pictures and the monothematic sequences allow for a particularly effective Colour Therapy thanks to the intrinsic movement of the films, which makes the contribution of colour more perceptible to the central nervous system than a static administration.

The projection of thematic sequences before the activity stimulates concentration and creativity, regenerates attention and allows greater involvement in the task.
Each individual film, whether a flower or a landscape, can be reproduced, using the image as the subject. A unique experience to be lived in a classroom.
Set in the chosen natural environment, the activity is more creative, engaging and harmonious. The experience can be amplified by introducing natural objects.

The images and sounds of Nature can be combined with:
- herbal teas, juices, fruit juices to enjoy,
- fragrances, aromas, essential oils to breathe in,
- petals, leaves, stones, sand, polished wood to touch.
A valuable aid in the knowledge of the senses.

The beneficial contribution of the forest: a sense of protection, serenity, inner peace. Experiencing its therapeutic effects even when in the classroom provides a synaesthetic experience of well-being. Sensory stimulation can reactivate cellular memory.
The videos allow you to experience the different energies of trees: from beech to oak, from holm oak to chestnut, from eucalyptus to pine. From hundreds of paths, you can choose your favourite one where you can regenerate.
During Forest Bathing, pupils can be invited to take a break to listen to birdsong, practise a meditation, exchange reflections and emotions all together, protected by the forest.

Starting from an image – a path, a stream, a flowery meadow, or any other scenery – it is possible to bring to life The Imagined Tale, a fun and stimulating method to educate children and young people in group creation and collaboration, developing in them the spirit of adventure and mutual respect through play and imagination.
It is the activity that offers the greatest opportunities for involvement and enjoyment and, arguably, the one that most fosters integration and increases creativity. The films constitute the settings in which the story is set and are both narrative cue and plot support: they are the stages of the shared journey.

As a storyteller set in Nature, The Imagined Tale allows pupils to invent, all together, a plot that may be highly imaginative and unreal, but which will in any case fascinate and give teachers food for thought about the contributions of each individual.
Through play and transposition into the characters of the story, profound aspects of each individual’s personality can emerge, states of mind that are difficult to achieve in any other way, and that can be revealing of each pupil’s emotional world.

Already used with important results with people with Alzheimer’s, as well as with children aged 3 to 6, The Imagined Tale stimulates imagination, inclusion, participation and sharing through play, with an important spin-off on wellbeing through prolonged immersion in natural settings. The living pictures create harmony, support the exchange of memories and emotions, and convey the benefits of Nature.
The empathy created in the group, given by everyone being immersed in the same scenery, allows everyone to participate. Even the most shy or marginalised are supported by their companions in an atmosphere of shared play and wonder.

Using images as stage sets, it is possible to give life to plays, readings, theatrical performances.
Already used in nursery schools to accompany the story of the journey of Ulysses, Marco Polo and other myths, the videos allow everyone to benefit from the therapeutic contribution of Nature during the development and preparation of theatrical, musical, artistic and literary performances.

Alamar Life videos enable more positive and collaborative relationships, foster group spirit.
They relax, bring well-being and creativity. They regenerate and allow greater attention and concentration, enabling significantly more learning.
The sense of peace conveyed by Nature acts simultaneously on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level, helping children, young people and adults to find their own balance and to recognise Nature as a valuable ally for a life in harmony.