“I just wanted to share this new, it’s a going to be project with Alamar Life, which is this wonderful website and Web TV, nature videos”.
Terapia non farmacologica
The Alamar Life Relaxation Channel is used daily to improve the quality of life. Images and sounds of Nature to preserve the well-being of the elderly.
Exposure to Nature has been linked to a number of benefits, including increased alertness, reduced stress, improved mood, reduced risk of psychiatric disorders, and even increases in empathy and cooperation.
Experience the benefits of Nature in indoor spaces. WEBTV ALAMAR conveys its full power and brings its healing power to your home.
Nature in care homes. Alamar videos are a non-drug therapy, a true medicine for the soul. Testimony by Valentina Pirola, Santa Teresa care home, in Livraga (LO) Italy.
The videos of Alamar Life, Experience Nature, the beating heart of multisensoriality.
RI.GENE.RA (RE.GENE.RATE): the influence of nature’s frequencies on stem cells. Talk by Cristina Fino: “Regenerating with Nature through audiovisual vibrational frequencies.”