Stories of people who, with the films, regain inner calm and combat panic attacks without taking anti-anxiety drugs.
ALZHEIMER FEST, Levico (TN), 14-16 September 2018.
Alamar Life was invited at the Pagoda Trentino stand, the space dedicated to the Public Facilities for Personal Assistance of the Region.
Alzheimer’s and Experience Nature videos: testimony of Enrica Pontin, educator at LTC Villa Serena, Solagna (VI), Italy.
Alzheimer’s and creative storytelling: testimony of Paola Buelli, LTC Casa Serena, Brembate di Sopra (BG), Italy.
Alzheimer’s and Experience Nature videos: testimony of Samanta Noldin, educator at LTC Santa Maria, Cles (TN), Italy.
Alzheimer’s and art therapy: testimony of Valentina Pirola, occupational therapist at the Santa Teresa care home in Livraga (LO), Italy.
Experimentation conducted with 22 students from the Tesla Holistic Academy school of naturopathy. Measurement taken with BioWell: RELAXATION + 42% in 10 minutes.
MEETING OF CARE PROFESSIONS 2018, Piacenza 24 May 2018. Therapeutic storytelling workshop: “THE IMAGINED TALE, storytelling set in Nature”.
Experience Nature produces improvements in both cognitive and emotional management, creating an immediate and regenerative sense of well-being. It therefore constitutes a useful care modality in reducing physical and pharmacological restraint for people with dementia.
As part of ‘natural’ medicine, we often hear about Vibrational Medicine. The term stands for a category of ‘natural therapies’ that work according to a particular concept, the principle of vibration.